Well, I wasn't quite sure that I could maintain a blog or have anything interesting to say. Then it occurred to me:
You may ask: "What are these topics that you have not mentioned so far?"
I'm glad you asked! Such a pertinent question! I like to ponder many things about science-fiction. Star Trek and Star Wars are my main two universes (since I was raised on them). However, I have taken a recent liking to shows such as Doctor Who, Firefly, and probably a few others that I can't recall at this moment.
Also, I have taken a great interest in Philosophy. No, not any of that newfangled modern or contemporary stuff (although some of them do have some merit). I prefer the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and the two giants he drew from (if you don't know who Plato and Aristotle are.... you have been deprived).
Technology is also something that interests me, although I am not quite as knowledgeable about the newer stuff, since my studies have been occupying me a little more.
I also am a faithful Roman Catholic (currently studying for the priesthood [say a prayer, would you?]), so I love to discuss liturgy, salvation, and various Catholic topics, even ad nauseam compared to some.
These topics also get mashed up in various ways so, you might one day see a post about the philosophical implications of using the transporter in Star Trek. You never know.
One more point, I tend to be sarcastic, dry, and nerdy in my humor, so don't be too surprised if you don't get what I say (a lot of people don't). If it seems like it might be a joke, it probably is.
So, after all of that mess of explaining what I may or may not be doing on these pages. We shall have to see where it leads. It's an exciting new frontier.
So, what do you say? Will you come away with me and see what's out there?
p.s. Don't worry, my grasp of how Blogger works will improve, the posts won't always be a bunch of text.